problems in science are quickly increasing and have become controversial issues
in universities and educational research institutes. These problems have also
been reflected in media news recently. The growth of information technology,
competition between countries, rapid growth of knowledge, fast multiplication
of scientific journals, lack of good explication of plagiarism and different
understandings of it, lack of awareness, mismanagement of time, and low culture
etc. have all contributed to the prevalence of plagiarism in the scientific
The word “Plagiarism” is derived from
Latin word “plagarius” The word plagiarism comes from the word “plagarius”,
meaning kidnapper, robber and literary thief” Plagiarism is presenting someone
else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by
incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement.
Plagiarism is divided into four
1) Casual plagiarism, which occurs
because of lack of awareness of plagiarism, or insufficient understanding of
referencing or citation
2) Unintentional plagiarism, where, due
to the wide amount of knowledge in the scientific area, a person may
unknowingly present ideas similar to those of other”
3) Intentional plagiarism, where a
person deliberately and knowingly copies part or all of somebody else s work
without giving credit to them
4) self-plagiarism, which consists
of reusing one’s own published work in a different form with acknowledging it.
Strategies to Avoid
1. Read the
instructions for authors provided by the journal.
2. Always
acknowledge the contributions of others and the source of ideas and words,
regardless of whether paraphrased or summarized.
3. Use of
verbatim text/material must be enclosed in quotation marks.
4. Acknowledge
sources used in the writing.
5. When
paraphrasing, understand the material completely and use your own words.
7. Make
sure to reference and cite references accurately.
8. become
familiar with the basic elements of copyright law
Howard.M.R.2007. Understanding Internet
plagiarism. Science direct [online].
M, Bahadori., M, Izadi.and M,
Hoseinpourfard.2012. Plagiarism: Concepts, Factors and Solutions. Iranian
Journal of Military Medicine.14 (3): 168-177
problems in science are quickly increasing and have become controversial issues
in universities and educational research institutes. These problems have also
been reflected in media news recently. The growth of information technology,
competition between countries, rapid growth of knowledge, fast multiplication
of scientific journals, lack of good explication of plagiarism and different
understandings of it, lack of awareness, mismanagement of time, and low culture
etc. have all contributed to the prevalence of plagiarism in the scientific
The word “Plagiarism” is derived from
Latin word “plagarius” The word plagiarism comes from the word “plagarius”,
meaning kidnapper, robber and literary thief” Plagiarism is presenting someone
else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by
incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement.
Plagiarism is divided into four
1) Casual plagiarism, which occurs
because of lack of awareness of plagiarism, or insufficient understanding of
referencing or citation
2) Unintentional plagiarism, where, due
to the wide amount of knowledge in the scientific area, a person may
unknowingly present ideas similar to those of other”
3) Intentional plagiarism, where a
person deliberately and knowingly copies part or all of somebody else s work
without giving credit to them
4) self-plagiarism, which consists
of reusing one’s own published work in a different form with acknowledging it.
Strategies to Avoid
1. Read the
instructions for authors provided by the journal.
2. Always
acknowledge the contributions of others and the source of ideas and words,
regardless of whether paraphrased or summarized.
3. Use of
verbatim text/material must be enclosed in quotation marks.
4. Acknowledge
sources used in the writing.
5. When
paraphrasing, understand the material completely and use your own words.
7. Make
sure to reference and cite references accurately.
8. become
familiar with the basic elements of copyright law
Good one!!