The RFID tag is an advanced form of data carrier for automatic product identification and traceability. RFID technology does not fall into either sensor or indicator classification but rather represents a separate electronic information based form of intelligent packaging. RFID is one of the many automatic identification technologies a group which includes barcodes and offers a number of potential benefits to the food production, distribution and retail chain These include traceability, inventory management, labour saving costs, security and promotion of quality and safety (Mousavi, Sarhavi, Lenk, & Fawcett, 2002). Prevention of product recalls is also considered an important role of RFID technology (Kumar & Budin, 2006). An RFID tag contains a tiny transponder and antenna that have a unique number or alpha numerical sequence; the tag responds to signals received from a reader’s antenna and transmits its number back to the reader. While the tags are relatively simple, much better inventory information than barcode RFID tags have the advantage over barcoding in that tags can be embedded within a container or package without adversely affecting the data. RFID tags also provide a non-contact, non-line-of-sight ability to gather real-time data and can penetrate non-metallic materials including bio-matter (Mennecke & Townsend, 2005). RFID tags can hold simple information (such as identification numbers) for tracking or can carry more complex information (with storage capacity at present up to about 1 MB) such as temperature and relative humidity data, nutritional information, cooking instructions, etc. Read-only and read/write tags are also available
       Tags can be classified according to two types: active tags function with battery power, broadcast a signal to the RFID reader and operate at a distance of up to approximately 50 m. Passive tags have a shorter reading range (up to approximately 5 m) and are powered by the energy supplied by the reader (giving them essentially unlimited life).
       In a typical RFID a reader (or interrogator) emits radio waves to capture data from a RFID tag, and the data are then passed onto a host computer (which may be connected to a local network or to the Internet) for analysis and decision making.
       Compared with the barcode, the RFID tag has several unique characteristics. Line of sight is usually not required: That is, the RFID tag does not need to be oriented toward the reader for data transfer to occur because radio waves travel through a wide array of nonmetallic materials.
A significantly larger data storage capacity is available (up to 1MB for high-end RFID tags), which may be used to store information such as temperature and relative humidity data, nutritional information, and cooking instructions. Read-write operations are supported by some RFID tags, which are useful in providing real-time information updates as the tagged items move through the supply chain. Multiple RFID tags may be read simultaneously at a rapid rate. The RFID tag is generally not considered as a replacement for the barcode  A RFID tag may also be integrated with a time-temperature indicator or a biosensor to carry time-temperature history and microbiological data


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To be continued


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